Tired of spending your money and not seeing the results you hoped for? Or of being herded in and out of a chaotic office; not really feeling seen or listened to?
At Wanderluxe, your needs ALWAYS come first. Come see why our clients keep coming back to us!
We understand that everyone has different goals in mind when seeing a healthcare provider or undergoing aesthetic procedures/treatments. This is why we personalize our treatment options to every patient.
We are a growing small business. In order to ensure we maintain the best practices and care for our clients, we have a very strict scheduling and cancellation policy.
Please read all policies presented during scheduling to ensure your understanding.
You can refer to our Terms and Conditions at the bottom of this page for more information. If you need further clarification, please reach out to us, we are always more than happy to answer any questions or concerns.
Copyright © 2023 Wanderluxe, LLC - All Rights Reserved.
1311 11th St W, Billings, mt
*Eligibility determined by provider.